EducationUSA India hosts a wide variety of in-person events, connecting you directly with local students and institutions in key cities, education hubs, and under-tapped markets.
EducationUSA India also hosts online engagement opportunities for those universities who would like to connect to Indian students beyond in-person travel to India, ranging from university-specific highlights to providing an expert voice on U.S. admissions.
Our centers are always interested to open our spaces to U.S. universities and students for events that can initiate fruitful conversations. Reach out to us if you are travelling within India or located near a center to avail of any of these opportunities.
EducationUSA provides a number of digital resources on the website, and opportunities to stay updated with the India network via WhatsApp. Connect with us the avenues listed below.
We at EducationUSA value the expertise you bring to the field of international education. Collaborate with us to share your expertise, and in so doing, network with counselors and EducationUSA Advisers and amplify the presence of your university in our region.
As partners in U.S. admissions, we know you understand the value of the EducationUSA network. Help us help students make their U.S. education journey a reality by increasing our visibility in the following ways: